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Contact: (Ms CAI)

Mobile phone:13631310705


fax: 020-36951766

Address: Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Xinhua Industrial Zone Bi Village North Road on the 10th

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Guangzhou cast Wang modeling line features: simple, a key operation, zero maintenance

Source: Time:2016-09-30 11:49:33 views:

广州铸王造型线特点: 第一、 简单、简单、再简单! 脱箱造型的特点秉承国际铸造机械一向的传统,入魔一般追求动作的简单和结构的简单,现在所有的各种型号的造型线,设计都极力追求简单,只采用直线运动,避免回转运动和圆弧运动,我们坚信,只有简单的,才能真正做到可靠的!实际上,我公司的造型线,每年的易损件和耐磨件费用,远远低于其他造型线!我们的用户,基本上使用1-2年,都能自己完成绝大多数维护和维修!
Guangzhou cast Wang modeling line features:
First, simple, simple, and simple!
The characteristics of the boxing style adhering to the international casting machinery has always been the tradition of the general pursuit of action simple and simple structure, and now all the various models of modeling lines, the design are strongly pursuing simple, only the use of linear motion, to avoid rotary motion and round Arc movement, we firmly believe that only a simple, can really be reliable! In fact, my company's modeling line, the annual wearing parts and wear parts costs, far lower than other modeling lines! Our users, basically use 1-2 years, can complete their own most maintenance and repair .

©2014-2017  Guangzhou City Cast Wang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd   粤ICP备16070476号-2

Address:No. 10, Beicun North Road, Xinhua Industrial Zone, Huadu District, Guangzhou City PHONE:020-36951799  FAX: 020-36951766 

 mr hu:13926263834     Technical Support:Guangzhou zhu wang

Guangzhou CastKing Sales Manager Telephone

Guangzhou Head Office:
yu he 13926261144
Qibiao Hu 13926263834

Jiangsu Anhui Zhejiang Office:
LiJie 15256578828

Shandong Liaoning Office:
Fangjun Song 13615321588

Hunan Jiangxi Office:
Zehuan Liu 1562225252

Hubei Office, Hubei::
Xingyuan Fu 18759812396

Fujian Office:
Yongqin Hong 18965697621

Guangzhou Casting Wang Sales Manager Telephone